This blog comes after several attempts to invite people to a new church that I've started attending. When my sister told me about the church & invited me to come, I said, "Ok." (I blogged on just saying "ok" back in August.) I have asked several of my friends & even a few family members to join me one Sunday at Courageous. I'm not asking anyone to become members or leave their church or anything along those lines. Every church has a family & friends day, & I would like to participate & bring my family & friends.
"Is it a cult?" "What kind of church is it?" "The name of that church sounds like they accept gays." "How long does it last?" "Where is it?" "I can't get up." "It cuts into football." These are just a few of the questions & comments I've gotten when I invite people to come. I would hope that my friends & family trust me enough to know that I would not invite them to just anything.
We get so comfortable going to the churches we grew up in & were forced to go to as children that we don't venture out & see if maybe there's a church that can help you grow. And then there are those of us that miss church some Sundays because we're so comfortable in our beds that we become Bedtime Baptists and TV Baptists. It's perfectly fine to accept an invitation & experience something new for just one day.
This week I challenge everyone reading this to step outside of their comfort zone & take a risk. Cut your hair, paint your nails bright orange, eat some turtle soup, ... JUST BE DIFFERENT!
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